The nation curriculum - Te Whariki guides us as the foundation of our own curriculum, and we offer an environment that encourages children to learn, grow and enjoy themselves with their friends. We value our multicultural environment in the Johnsonville community and promote all cultures as well as language through activities and environment settings.
We acknowledge each ākonga's interests and learning needs, and response to each child's learning needs by using a wide range of resources (e.g. activities, toys and equipment etc.) and appropriate teaching strategies throughout our daily routine. We would like to define our practice as growing with children rather than just teaching because we know that the seed of learning is in each ākonga, and the seed will grow with care and support provided by our kaiako.
We involve school elements where suits, such as free play, Hui time and Kai time, to assist all ākonga developing familiarity and a sense of belonging to the school environment, and to promote a seamless transition to school experience. We believe that ākonga's 'readiness for school' is a holistic term, and kaiako here at preschool support ākonga's holistic development (emotionally, physically and academically) through a wide range activities through out our routine, based on ākonga's interests.
We view all ākonga as active independent learners with their unique learning needs, therefore we encourage and assist their learning through exploring and taking an interest in different topics/objects (Mana Aotūroa), team working with others (Mana Reo), accepting challenges and direct their own learning (Mana Atua), problem solving (Mana Tangata), and building confidence (Mana Whenua) here at preschool.
We believe that we are working in partnership with your child, you, and your whanau, and our goal is to provide quality childcare to your child, so we are available at any time to share your value, believes and vision together with you here at preschool.